Friday, August 29, 2008

Summer Activities

Hey guys,

It's been stagnant for a while around the OMN LIVE campfire. I think we've all had our noses to the grind of summer chaos. During the summer months it always seems like people are headed back and forth on vacations, and running to and fro. Our attendance numbers at church are usually well below normal and because of all that's going on our men's sportsman group usually doesn't meet regularly till after the kids get back in school. Just wanted to know what kinds of things you guys out there doing outdoor ministry do to keep the guys somewhat connected during summer months?

For the past two summers, we have organized a mission trip for the fellas. Last year we went to Montana and we just got back from Alaska for this summer's trip.

What kinds ideas do you guys have for keeping "in touch" with your group of men during the summer?