Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Hey Guys ... when it comes to your pastor, or even pastors you know of or have been with in the past, do you see them spending much time out of the office??

That is, other than on "church" stuff like nursing home visits, hospitals, visitation? I'm just curious, because I think most pastors are bound to the "office." And normally that is by thier own guilt because they are too afraid to get out in the community and hang out with non-believers in fear of some member saying they are loafing.

I find it both hilarious and depressing that if a pastor spends 3 hours holding an invalid's hand in a nursing home then they are seen as a "great pastor." Yet if they spend 5 hours playing golf or fishing with a guy who doesn't know Christ, then they can be judged as playing around "on the clock."

When it comes to ministering to men, you've got to get on their turf.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Talking Turkey

I've been in several men's small groups over the years and noticed that it's really hard sometimes to get the fellas to open up and talk. It's especially hard at first - I guess that's just the way we men are. Sometimes it's like being on a turkey hunt on one of those days that no matter what you do or what calls you try, the gobblers just will not respond. I'm planning on starting a small group and wanted to know what you guys have done to get the fellas to open up and interact.